Maximizing Your Sleep and Recovery with Complete Recovery

1. The Importance of Complete Recovery We all know that exercise and fitness are essential for good health, but did you know that recovery is just as important? Just like your muscles need time to...

Looking for a Natural Sleep Aid? 5-HTP May Be the Answer

If you're looking for a natural sleep aid, 5-HTP may be the answer. This compound is derived from the amino acid tryptophan and is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in mood...

Using Sleep and Exercise Recovery to Enhance Sports Performance

Exercise recovery and sleep are essential for sports performance. When athletes do not get enough sleep or have poor sleep quality, it can lead to impaired performance. Poor sleep can also affect an athlete's mood,...

Hyaluronic Acid for Joint Health: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your joint health, hyaluronic acid may be the answer. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps lubricate and cushion joints. It...

The Role of Ashwagandha in Athletic Performance and Recovery

As an athlete, you know how important it is to recover properly after a workout or competition. Proper recovery helps your body repair and rebuild itself and plays a crucial role in improving your overall...

The Athlete's Triad: Sleep, Muscle Recovery, and Joint Health

As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you know the importance of putting in the hard work to achieve your best. But have you ever thought about what happens during the 8 hours you're not working...

10 Steps to the Perfect Nighttime Relaxation Routine

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Are you always feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? If so, you need to start implementing a nighttime relaxation routine. A good nighttime routine can help you calm...

Performance Backed Announces Complete Recovery

Performance Backed is proud to announce the official launch of our first product: Complete Recovery. Complete Recovery is a first-of-its-kind, all-in-one exercise recovery, joint, and sleep formula designed for athletes to feel and perform their best.